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There are times in everyone's life when a certain day means something extremely important. It may be a business appointment, applying for a position, asking for a pay increase, or proposing marriage.
Naturally you want everything to go just right and therefore you can't help but worry. What should you say? What is the best way to state your case? What attitude should you assume? Trying questions, indeed, when something can either make or break your future.
By determining what vibrations that particular day will have and what powers will be yours, you can quite easily plot your strategy and relax, knowing that you have everything well in hand. Of course, if you also check to see what the Individual Day of the other person is as well, you will know what their mood is, to what they will react favourably, and what not to say or do. If good vibrations are jus not with you, it would be best to postpone the meeting and schedule it for a more likely day, so that nothing can be used against you.