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Knowing the path that each year will take is of great value in planning the direction of your future endeavors, as we have seen, but knowing the course of each month is of more immediate value and allows you to pinpoint the efforts you intend to project throughout the entire year, toward the attainment of the goals you seek.
It is always easier to face the overall pattern of things if you can take them one step at a time. You can progress smoothly through the year by taking it in one-month segments, using the specific month vibrations as a guide.
For example, your year may have the total influence of a 4, meaning hard work and concentration, which would presumably preclude socializing and travel if taken in its total vibration. However, each month adds its particular influence to the year, and it is the combination of all these influences that make up the whole. These different monthly vibrations add the sugar and spice that break the monotony and give you the zest to continue.
With this knowledge you can easily and wisely expand the right efforts at the right time. During a month of study and meditation, you would not be able to bring concentrated labor to the proper and successful furition you desire, so it would be best to use that particular month that isalated for them.
Romance, business, meetings, discussions, purchases, and studies can all be successful when each is embarked upon at a propitious time; so why waste effort, time and energy by going against the tides when merely observing your charted course can bring the desired goals.